Industrial port de Barcelona in evening. Spain


The mission of Ruger Polska Sp. z o.o. is to provide comprehensive services to its customers in

the area of logistics that meet the best world standards.


Taking into account the context of the organisation, the requirements of stakeholders and the nature of the activities carried out related to:

Logistics services, in particular forwarding and warehouse logistics

the primary purpose of existence of Ruger Polska Sp. z o.o. is to develop and maintain the ability and continuous readiness to meet the needs of customers in the area of their business. This is the basis for ensuring the stability of the company and its further development. Full satisfaction of the customers' needs and expectations can only take place by providing services at the highest level in accordance with applicable legal requirements and regulations. Therefore, with an effort to maximise customer satisfaction, the Management Board of the Company undertakes to:

  • Maintain and continuously improve the Quality Management System
  • Increase the credibility of the company by increasing customer satisfaction
  • Meet the requirements of the customers and other stakeholders as well as the applicable legal and other requirements relating to the Company
  • Ensure timely provision of services
  • Improve the qualifications of employees
  • Optimise internal processes
  • Continuously develop

Implementation and maintenance of the Quality Management System at all levels of the organisation, in accordance with the PN-EN ISO 9001:2015 standard, ensures continuous improvement of the services provided by Ruger Polska Sp. z o.o., which is the basis for building lasting relationships with our customers. 

The Management Board of Ruger Polska Sp. z o.o. ensures that this Quality Policy is available, communicated, understood and used by all employees of the Company and ensures continuous improvement of the effectiveness of the functioning QMS.

Management Board of the Company